Imagining a resilient urban future: what does success look like?

October 20, 2023I9:00to10:15



Marta Olazabal
October 16, 2023

Marta Olazabal will discuss how to assess whether adaptation strategies are really working, and how to decide where cities should actually be headed.

While many cities are pushing ahead with the implementation of adaptation strategies, it is still difficult to assess what is really working, and where we should actually be headed.

  • What does ‘success’ actually mean in terms of societal resilience in an urban context?
  • Can the imagining of how our future well-adapted and resilient cities would look like help us to set targets to work towards?
  • What role does nature have to play in this, and how can we shift the way we integrate nature into an urban context?


  • Ine Vandecasteele (European Environment Agency)
  • Alison De Luise (Climate Alliance)


  • Matías Barberis (Murcia Lab Future Resilience project)
  • Corina Angheloiu (Global Resilience Partnership)
  • Marta Olazabal (Basque Centre for Climate Change)
  • Ahmed AbuLaban (Chief Resilience Officer, City of Ramallah)

Location: Room E0008

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