Subnational Government Innovation to Integrate Vulnerable Community Knowledge into Adaptation Planning and Action

October 3, 2023
11:00 EDT
12:30 EDT


Adaptation Futures 2023

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Marta Olazabal
August 3, 2023

Dr Marta Olazabal will moderate session 278 which considers ways to integrate vulnerable community knowledge into adaptation planning and action integrate vulnerable community knowledge into adaptation planning and action.

According to the RegionsAdapt Progress Report 2021-2022, vulnerable populations have severely constrained adaptive capacities and may be disproportionately affected by any additional stressors. In 2022, 74% of disclosing regions mentioned that climate hazards will affect vulnerable populations; however, only 67% of the reported climate risk and vulnerability assessments explicitly take such vulnerable populations into account. This highlights the gap between the harsh reality already faced by vulnerable populations and their lack of inclusion in assessments or planning.

Regions4 in partnership with the Government of Quebec, other regional governments from around the world, and leading research institutes, aim to bring into an knowledge exchange interactive presentation the impacts of climate change on marginalized and vulnerable groups, and why efforts to support adaptation must therefore grapple with profound questions of ethics, equity, and justice to leave no one behind.

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