950 years of adaptation expertise

Ana Terra Amorim-Maia
February 22, 2024

Our team interviewed 50 of the most eminent climate adaptation experts to understand how their worldviews and experiences help understand the current state of the field, its trajectory, and the pathways forward. Here we share a preview of the process and conversations.

Between July and November 2023, we conducted in-depth interviews with 50 climate adaptation experts, many of whom have played pivotal roles in shaping the trajectory of this field from its inception. Among them were individuals who took part in key milestones such as the establishment of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at Rio 92 and who were involved in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) when it was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. Some interviewees were instrumental in formulating early definitions of adaptation, while others championed its recognition and implementation on the ground when adaptation was still considered “heretical” and “an excuse for inaction”.

To select our interviewees, we drew from influential publications, IPCC reports, and recommendations from initial contacts through snowball sampling. Despite our efforts, the inherent biases in knowledge creation led to an over-representation of researchers from the Global North, prompting us to actively seek a more balanced representation across areas of expertise, geographical regions, and socio-cultural profiles. This meant identifying researchers and practitioners from the Majority World and including Indigenous voices, such as representatives from the Māori, Polynesian, and Navajo communities.

The collective expertise of these 50 interviewees spans an impressive 950 years, hailing from 32 countries around the globe. Their insights offer a rich tapestry of experiences, from the Amazon to the Arctic, and everywhere in between. Our interview questions covered not only their personal evolving understandings of adaptation and adaptation success, but also their personal journeys and pivotal moments that reshaped their understanding of the field.

We are now in analysis mode and will soon be able to share the full results and insights from our research.

However, we can offer a sneak peek to pique our readers’ interest:

➡️When defining adaptation, our interviewees acknowledged its inherent complexity and stressed the need to focus on future risk management through a lens of equity and justice.

➡️In discussing the notion of adaptation success, they advocated for governance approaches centred on community engagement and the safeguarding of human rights.

➡️When talking about adaptation measurement, participants highlighted the inherent challenges in measuring “what hasn’t happened” and the pointlessness of pursuing a process that is hoped to become obsolete.

In terms of personal and professional milestones that have shaped their journeys, many expressed gratitude for the inspiration drawn from colleagues and mentors. They also shared anecdotes of pivotal career moments, such as joining influential organizations or being at the forefront of the nascent field of adaptation. However, alongside moments of inspiration, participants also recounted instances of frustration—whether confronting the limitations of academic knowledge or grappling with the world’s inertia in mitigating climate change.

The wealth of knowledge shared through these interviews is virtually endless. It indeed feels like almost a thousand years of adaptation expertise! We are looking forward to sharing the final results with the world, and hope they will provide a clearer understanding of where adaptation stands and where it should be headed.

Cover Image: Mika Baumeister, UNSPLASH

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@Ana Terra Amorim-Maia